Swollen ankles and rash on lower legs

Swollen ankles and rash on lower legs can be an uncomfortable and concerning condition that affects many individuals. These symptoms can arise from a variety of causes, ranging from mild to serious. Understanding these signs and seeking appropriate medical advice is...

Eczema and Vitiligo – Insights, causes, and solutions

Living with skin disorders such as eczema and vitiligo can be a stressful experience. It affects not only physical comfort but also emotional well-being. Itching, redness, and discoloration can hurt one’s self-esteem and confidence.This blog aims to support...

Trichrome Vitiligo

Trichrome Vitiligo, a rare form of vitiligo, requires specialised treatment due to its unique appearance. It is characterised by three distinct skin colour changes: the normal skin colour, a completely white area, and a light-coloured area in between. Dr. Archit...

Rosacea on neck and chest: Myths and Facts

Rosacea, characterized by facial redness and bumps, affects millions worldwide. While many associate it primarily with the face, it’s important to acknowledge that rosacea can extend to the neck and chest, causing significant discomfort and emotional distress...

Discover Effective Solutions for Eczema Spots on Legs 

Are eczema spots on your legs causing you discomfort and concern? If you’ve been grappling with the challenges of this skin condition, you’re not alone. Dr. Archit Aggarwal, a trusted dermatologist in Faridabad, understands patients’ concerns...
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